Decoding DEFCON 18 badge's QR code

Today we went to BlackHat to get our DEFCON 18 badges. (Thanks to John
Sawyer for making that possible!) The line was way shorter than at the
big DEFCON registration area in the Riviera.

Immediately after we got our badges, we headed back out to B-Sides to
check them out. We made sort of a finite state machine diagram of the
menu system in the badge, and the first thing we attacked was the QR
code. (Start the badge on the DEFCON screen, then press the top
button, and then hold both buttons down.) Pictures are below.

When we first tried to decode it with ,
we got nothing, but it turns out it just couldn't handle an image as
big as our picture was. When we rescaled it with Gimp, it immediately
decoded to the following:


Vandal's wang? That's pretty funny, but we're not exactly sure if it
means anything. Next we're going to check out the badge source.

3 responses
You guys are in Vegas, go gamble and have sex with strippers. Remember, what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas ;)
Lacking image manipulation software i copied the qr pixel by pixel on a spreadsheet. :) googling vandals wang didn't turn up much... any new insights?
"You guys are in Vegas, go gamble and have sex with strippers. Remember, what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas ;)"

Well according to Jack_Daniel from twitter "What happens in Vegas stays... On the Internet" :)